Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pool party 2008

Laila just figuring out it's fun to go all the way under
are you picking or plugging?

brady got used to the water fairly quickly
Tyler wasn't so sure about the big tube - but he sure didn't mind the water!

A last minute pool party was planned and turned out great! Thanks for everybody who came. I sure had a blast and it looked like the kids all got along and enjoyed themselves. Congrats to Jordan, Adalynn, Kendall and Laila for jumping off the diving board - oh yes and Mitchell you did too! I'm so proud of you guys for being so daring. Laila is for sure completely fearless when it comes to the water because she would just jump right in and not care if she went under or not. Kendall absolutely loves the pool and other kids so she was so happy last night and she fell asleep the second her head hit her pillow.
little young don't ya think brody?
Laila's big splash
Nice leg's addie!
good job Jordan!