Monday, September 29, 2008

Football game

Friday we went to Muskegon because Breanna got to walk with the Homecoming Court. It was pretty neat. Her and another boy from her class were picked to be the "future king and queen" of homecoming. So they walked with last years King and Queen so it was like the future and the past together. Kendall did very good and that game was PACKED. She did not understand why she couldn't go down and "play" though. Last years Queen was named Kendall so when they said her name Kendall yelled out "that's me!" It was hard to get good pictures b/c they do homecoming activities after the game so it was pretty dark out.

I had to put this picture in because Kendall just adores Breanna so I thought it was perfect!
She kept looking back at the field!
This was half time when the band was playing and she sat perfectly still the whole time they were out there playing.When there was a time out they played music so Kendall thought it was appropriate to stand up and dance.
Kendall was very upset when we left without Breanna - she cried all the way back to the car.
She was making pizza with her play dough.

Grandpa and Kendall played outside a lot on Saturday and Sunday - and mostly with grandma's ceramic ducks. I don't know who it's funnier to watch, grandpa or Kendall?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Imaginary Friend

So I keep leaving my camera at work so I don't have any pictures to update with. Sorry~
Kendall is still very wild with her imagination. We still have the imaginary friend "The Puma". She was unable to open the door for me this morning because she was holding on to Puma's leash. She helps him go potty on the toilet. He sleeps at the foot of her bed. He used to stay at home while we were gone but she told me he gets lonely so now he sits in her locker at school all day. Oh what else...oh yes I have to BUCKLE HIM in the car next to her now. I have to kiss him good night. It never ends. My friend's mom got the puma a food dish (hilarious). I put Cheerios in the dish and I heard her in her room making noise and when I went in there she had Cheerios everywhere, she said 'awwww...puma made a mess" - like she was tattling on him. And he of course is a boy.
I got her a new little gadget for the computer and now she can go to websites and not mess with anything that I have on the computer - she just puts her little guy in this slot and it takes her to whatever website she wants. It has been quite a life saver - I still have to help her guide the mouse, but she's getting the hang of it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Worms mom I want worms!

As you can see - Kendall is very proud of her new umbrella. She would really like to use it even when it's not raining out. Thank goodness for grandpa because he took her "puddle jumping" on Saturday because she was getting ver sick of being inside. Sunday they ventured back out because she wanted to look for worms. She wanted to pick one up too. Her little fingers couldn't get it off the cement so grandpa would get it and then hand it to her. He told her not to drop it on the cement to set it down but to set it in the grass and she was very gentle when she "let them free".

The last few days Kendall has been testing my patience. She doesn't want to eat, she doesn't want to get dressed, she doesn't want to take a bath and she doesn't want to go to bed. And she is getting smart because now when I say something she doesn't like she looks at grandma and grandpa to "save" her. Thank goodness they stand behind what I say even though I know it's hard for grandpa to be strong when she sheds her crocodile tears and runs to him.

Monday, September 8, 2008

First day of preschool

Kendall had her first official day of preschool this morning :) I asked her what she wanted to wear on her first day and she had a total blonde moment. She was by the stove when I asked her and she started to twirl around and say "i wanna be a princess" but mid twirl she smacked her head on the oven handle. What she means by "i wanna be a princess" is that she wants to wear a skirt or a dress. I could not stop laughing when she hit her head - I know, great mom right? Great way to remember the first day. And yes she does have tennis shoes on with her dress - but the daycare has wood chips on the playground so if I put her in cute shoes they are trashed by the time she gets home!When she got home from daddy's yesterday she just had to help grandpa with some outdoor chores. And we should all be proud of daddy - b/c the pigtails you see are thanks to him. I would totally love to see him doing her hair.

She is still doing alright with not wetting the bed. She did have an accident for me last Thursday night and then for daddy on Friday. I asked her last night if she wanted panties or pull ups and she said no to the pull up so I chanced the panties and even though she woke up at 6:05 this morning, she was dry. woo hoo!

Kendall still has her wild imagination. Her imaginary friend is the Puma and I must give thanks to the Puma because he really helps ME sometimes. When she won't get her clothes on in the morning for school, I tell her that I'm going to let Puma wear them and she gets dressed fast. When she is fighting going to the bathroom I tell her to hurry up or the Puma is going to go potty first, she runs faster than ever. We take the Puma on walks, I have to tell him to sit and stay while we go out the door, she is constantly telling me things the Puma is doing and I laugh all the time.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Daycare/Preschool Open House

We had Kendall's open house last night. Pretty much got a walk through of what a typical day for her will be like which was neat. Kendall also got to take me on a tour through their classroom and show me how she "sits like a pretzel" on the carpet. She showed me her locker and where their bathroom is. Kendall's lead teacher is actually a Rogers grad so that was neat. I was also told that Kendall is their "social butterfly" - I wonder where she gets that from? And she sure was last night ~ she was giving all the teachers hugs and Miss Margie (who makes the food, she's most important!) She really enjoys it there and talks about all her friends and her teachers when we're at home. I like that she feels comfortable there, but geez she doesn't even care when I leave anymore!

Last night or this morning rather, Kendall had her first nighttime accident :( She felt horrible and woke up crying - I told her it was okay and then she came to bed with me for a half hour before the alarm went off. I'd have to say one accident in her first week is pretty darned good!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No more pull-ups! YAY!!

I never thought I'd say it - but I'm a little sad. She is truly a BIG GIRL now. She is pretty much potty trained all during the day even at nap time but she used to be soaking wet in the morning so I was still putting a pull up on her at night. Well Friday and Saturday night she was completely dry in the morning so I figured she might be ready for just panties - and she sure was because Sunday night she ran away from the pull up screaming "i'm a big girl i don't want a pull-up". So I decided to let her try even if it meant a fun mess in the morning. Sure enough the last TWO NIGHTS she has wore big girl panties and been completely dry still in the morning. YAY!! :)
We spent a lot of time outside this weekend. Kendall was either in the pool, running through the sprinkler or playing with her sand toys. Daddy was REAL FUNNY and showed Kendall how to push mommy into the pool ~ ha that was a good time.

And I'm not sure if you can see it in the pictures or not, but we did get her ears pierced again on Friday. There was only one person working - but Kendall was antsy so I said alright let's do it. And Kendall is seriously crazy because she did not cry - she LAUGHED. For the second side she helped the lady count to three. Every time she wakes up she touches her ears and says "my earrings are still here mommy" and she even helps me clean them. I had a nice talk with her beforehand about NOT taking them out and she is doing really good with them so far!