Sunday, June 29, 2008


Kendall and I got to dogsit for three "puppies" this weekend. At first - she was a little timid and didn't want me to set her down. I do not blame her - one of the dogs is seriously one of the biggest german shephards I have ever seen. King (as he is appropriately named) could easily just rest his head on Kendall's without any effort. He is just huge! Heather told me that Kendall and King would be fast friends and by Sunday Kendall was talking to him like they'd been friends forever. Jewels (one of the other dogs) does not eat well when away from mommy and Kendall was picking up some of the food that King had scattered and was putting it back in the bowl (no she does not get her cleaning skills from me :)) and she started hand feeding Jewels. She actually talks to the dogs like they're babies and it's just hilarious. We were running around with the dogs in the backyard and Kendall fell and King went to play with her but he doesn't realize that he's gigantic and he plowed Kendall right over (along with getting some wonderful slobber on her face). Kendall was a good girl and used her words and said "king, don't push me over it not nice". Everytime the dogs came in she told me they needed a treat so I think the dogs liked her just as much as she liked them. The house we were at also has bunnies so Kendall just had a blast this weekend. Aunt Heather got her a new sprinkler and Kendall played in that with Breanna and that was a big hit too. I'm going to try to load the video of it up onto here...but bear with me. Kendall seems to find all sorts of funny ways to sleep. I'm beginning to just bring my camera in with me every morning that I go to get her because she's always in some crazy new position!

we also found a frog in the backyard and Kendall was all set on picking him up but the minute she tried to grab him - he'd hop towards her and she'd just crack up laughing!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Moving on up

Kendall has been "visiting" with the class that she starts on Monday. So far it has been going great. Yesterday the entire daycare went to the Zoo. They went before lunch so they missed the rain. Kendall misses her teacher Brandi - but she still gets to see her when her new class goes outside. Yesterday when I picked her up she told me she needed to say bye to Brandi so we had to go find her to let Kendall say good bye. Other than missing Brandi - the transition hasn't seemed to bother her. She was in the Penguin room arguing over a toy (which there are two of) with her friend Fiona who has the same personality as Kendall so they are constantly arguing. So it seems it's been a smooth change for her, which is good.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another birthday party

Wow we know alot of people with birthdays in the summer! Tonight Kendall and I got to go to Chuck E Cheese for Kolton's 3rd birthday. Kendall has a blast there. Her and Laila were running all over and climbing on everything. Kendall didn't eat much dinner - but she helped herself to the frosting from the cake! Today is also Kendall's cousin Georgia's first birthday - happy birthday Georgia :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Bike

Kendall got a new bike this year and she does such a good job riding it! At first she just looked like too much of a big kid on it - but she pedals away on it and is so pleased with herself. She insists on wearing her helmet- which is fine by me. She needs a little push to get going, but once she's going there's no stopping her. While we were out riding on Saturday our neighbor boy came out and they rode bikes together and ran through the sprinkler. He is only 4 months older than Kendall so she has a new friend. They were laughing at each other and racing with their bikes.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Brady's first birthday party!

Kendall had so much fun today at Brady's party. All the kids got along so well together! Brady even let Kendall help open the gift that her daddy got him. He shares so good. Despite a little rain - it turned out to be a great party.

Monday, June 16, 2008

I better get more sunscreen!

If Kendall's eyes are open - she wants to be in the pool. That is the first and last thing she says every day. I had better get both of us some more sunsreen. While we are outside she inspects every little bug that crawls by. She used to step on them but I'm trying to teach her that outside is "their house" so she just says "hi bug" now. If it's on her I'll let her smack that thing - but to just step on it for no reason seems mean to me! This is also teaching me to not freak out everytime I see a bug. I showed her that she is able to swim like a big girl in a ring and now she just floats around that pool like she owns it. Last week she was sitting on the top step and was reaching for something and she fell in face first - I was close by and had to jump in clothes and all. But that hasn't scared her off from the water one single bit. Her friend Laila did the same thing on Saturday and luckily I had my suit on when I grabbed her! Man it happens so fast! I had to hide Kendall's swimsuit with the "flyfly's" on it because she refused to wear any of the rest of them! Grandpa Berends (or won as she calls hm lately) watched her friday night while grandma and I were gone and saturday morning he said "never again Kate, she did not shut up once the whole time". I know she talks alot - but grandpa can't say no to Kendall so I know he'll never say no to watching her! :)


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pool's open for business!

~It is never too early to begin swimming for the year - no matter how chilly it is, Kendall gets in. Thankfully, she got in with grandpa on Sunday. Mommy had to venture the coldness tonight though. Once I got used to it it was fine, but WHEW it was cold at first. She still loves the water and does not mind going under all the way either. She keeps trying to swim naked - not sure if she's a free bird or if she thinks it's a big bath tub? I keep telling her that her "boobahs" (her name for them, not mine) are an inside thing and she can't be naked outside! Lord I sure hope she grows out of that freeness.
We went to Uncle Andy's last softball game last night and Kendall loved it. A foul ball was hit right behind us and she got up so fast and yelled to the boys "i got it guys" and ran as fast as she could for it. As much as I'd rather get bleacher butt from "girl" things - I know her love of sports is going to continue, and I'm sure her dad would rather watch softball than cheerleading :)

this was how I found Kendall when I went to get her this morning...not sure if she fell out and got back up or what....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Funny Stuff

Even though we're in the terrible two's and sometimes just putting shoes on is a complete battle - the funny things she does and says seem to make those moments okay. One of her funny moments is that she seems to think she is seriously going to catch a bird one day. On our walks if she sees one she stops the stroller (oh yes b/c her baby rides and kendall pushes) and says "i'm gonna get that bird mom". And she runs faster than I've ever seen her run. When she comes back with mission unaccomplished she says "those birds are so fast mom". I'm not sure if it's funnier watching her run after them or what she says afterwards. Then yesterday I was trying to get her up and she was not a happy camper so I said "come on Kendall let's get clean dry panties on b/c you smell like soggy cheerios" and she said "nuh uh mommy I smell like hot dogs".