Monday, August 31, 2009

No cavities!

Kendall went to her second dentist appointment this morning and yay no cavities! So she got to put a star on her picture that is on the wall. She was very excited. She sat perfectly still and never whined or cried the whole time. She was happy to get a new mermaid motorized toothbrush and the mermaid has brown hair!!
I also think I have found a preschool for her in our new neighborhood! We went and visited this morning and every person that I came across was really friendly and the preschool room is huge and Kendall walked in an seemed very comfortable. Now I just need to see if the dance place will let us switch her dance class day to wednesday instead of tuesday so she can go to school!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Meeting a new friend

Kendall got to meet Brady's new sister - Izabell Sue tonight. Izabell has some AWESOME cheeks!!! Kendall got to hold her and Izzy didn't even mind! She was out of it the whole time we were there. Kendall picked out girlie pacifiers today - that seems to be her gift of choice. Welcome Izabell!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

what an angel!

With no nap or anything on Saturday - Kendall was an absolute angel at the wedding. She had her picture taken a thousand times and she did not complain once! When it was her turn to walk down the aisle she turned and asked me "when will he take my picture?" What a ham. It took her and Coen awhile to walk down the aisle - but they did great!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

All she wants to do is dance dance dance

When I did her hair on this day - she flipped her hair and said "I'm making myself pretty for my boyfriend" ?!?!?! I told her she was too little for a boyfriend and she said "but Gavin likes me not Kaya........" oh lord.....

As you can see - Kendall likes to dance!! She has started saying "I'm a ballerina - watch me dance". So I decided to see if she likes dance class and signed her up this week. She goes once a week and will have tap, ballet and tumbling. She starts on September 8th and I think I might be more excited than she is! I am hoping that it helps her get rid of some energy - staying home with mom more, I feel like I don't let her be as active as she was able to be at daycare. So I'm also looking for a preschool to send her to - but I'm finding that many of them are full - but geesh I wasn't really planning on getting laid off and the daycare she went to had preschool included!! Hopefully I find one for her.
And I'm not sure if it's just an age thing - but she is such a SNOT lately!!! Very trying on my patience (well.....maybe it's that I'm with her more now.....) but anyhow, when I reprimand her - she points her finger back at me - or she gives me a "look" (which I realize I give to her while I'm yelling)....the tricks I used to get her to listen to me don't work anymore - she's getting too stinkin smart! Luckily she's pretty good for the most part so these times don't occur too often.
We also got a kitty and Kendall and him get along great - Boo chases her and she chases him. For as much as she carries him and hugs him you'd think that he'd run away from her when she came near - but he lies next to her on the couch - follows her to the bathroom and sits at her feet - they are best buddies.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Big truck

Kendall loves it when Rob makes "deliveries" to us in his big truck. He usually brings us slurpees or something fun. The day of the ultrasound he met us at the doctor's office in his work truck and Kendall finally got to sit in it. He even let her push the button to turn it on. She looked so tiny way up there! But she loved it.