Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who says you can't have fun at Meijer?

Kendall was a little antsy at Meijer last night so I let her out of the cart. While I was looking at the kids stuff she was being quiet so I let her be. All of a sudden she says - look mom I'm done. This was what she had lined up for me. She has a bit of OCD b/c she lines up her puzzles pieces, her weebles all have to be in a line and facing her. She put cheese slices on the table for cheeseburgers and instead of stacking them, they were lined up on the table just perfect and edge to edge. Heaven forbid she not line up the ducks and frogs in this picture!


Anonymous said...

Geeze - I guess Kolton and her do make a good pair then - cause you can even put his blanket on him unless its turned the exact right way... :0)