Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Kendall and Coen are about 5 months apart and they get along GREAT. It's funny because at times they tattle on each other - but then they are back to playing 2 seconds later. I'm so glad there are kids Kendall's age on Rob's side of the family - and an added bonus they are kids Kendall's age and she gets along with them.
As Kendall called it - this is her "stage make up"....which worried me at first - but then on Scooby Doo I heard them say stage make up :) whew!!!

As our usual Berends tradition - we went bowling on Thanksgiving. Kendall really enjoyed it this year. She was hopping all over the place and wanted to help everyone with their bowling. Mom was the only one who let her because the rest of them were bowling for some cash!!!

She thinks anytime a name that starts with K is there - that it's her. So Rob was showing her that mommy's name starts with a K also. She learned quickly that I was first and she has "two l's"

Breanna outgrew her Spongebob ball - so she generously passed it on down to Kendall - she was ELATED!!!!