Sunday, December 27, 2009

4th birthday

yes that would be Rob and Grandpa in the toys

this would be the HUGE Scooby Doo cake the guy at Meijer told me feeds 8-12 people.....I guess I don't small enough pieces! But it worked out.

Happy 4th Birthday Kendall!!! We love you SO MUCH :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kendall's special day

Today was Kendall's special day at school. And it was extra special because it was for her birthday. So yes, with a 5 day old infant in tow.....we headed off to Kendall's school. I had to stay the whole time because when it's the kids special day - the parents stay as helpers (well they only need 1). Her teacher was happy that I'd brought the baby because that was her excuse to keep the kids inside!!! Kendall brought the bear that Brenym gave her for her show and tell. I can't even tell you how excited she was to show her friends "Daphne". Their project for the day was decorating Christmas cookies and they had a blast with that.
Kendall is adjusting okay to having a new brother. She sleeps right through him crying and I was really worried about that. I've know she just wants to be involved and included so her job is the pacifier. If he "wahs' (as she calls crying) she can find the pacifier and try to get him to take it. She books to find the pacifier when he cries - it's cute. She has probably kissed him more than I have already. She asked one time why he peed out of "that thing" and she has also lifted up her nightie and asked "can I feed the baby cuz I have boobs." We are trying to give her extra special 1 on 1 attention and I sure hope it helps her adjust.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Want to win a new computer???

Hey - I'll try anything to win something!!! Especially a shiny new HP COMPUTER!! And even though I'd rather NOT give you the link to try to win one yourself - it helps MY CHANCES if I do! I have read the MckMama blog for well over a year now and continue to do so on a daily basis. I really enjoy the way she writes and they are a super interesting family (at least to me). So here ya go but if someone I KNOW wins - I better get at least a Thank you!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

first snow of 2009

Kendall was overjoyed with all the snow today. We had to venture out to get boots since I can only find 1 from last year since we moved. She wanted Princess and the Frog boots - but they don't make them in her size, since her feet are quite big for a kid her age. She settled for black since they didn't have cute plain pink ones either. :( I let her play outside until I couldn't take the cold come when I asked her in the fall if she wanted to go outside she said no- but when it's freezing and snowing she WANTS to????
We got a letter from the Health Dept that they did a vision screening at her school and Kendall was unable to pass. I'd think that she was maybe goofing around and that's why she didn't pass - but they screen them twice. So we have an appointment next Friday at the eye doctor. Maybe there is a reason, besides her wanting to irritate me, for standing so close to the TV...and our TV isn't small either!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Kendall and Coen are about 5 months apart and they get along GREAT. It's funny because at times they tattle on each other - but then they are back to playing 2 seconds later. I'm so glad there are kids Kendall's age on Rob's side of the family - and an added bonus they are kids Kendall's age and she gets along with them.
As Kendall called it - this is her "stage make up"....which worried me at first - but then on Scooby Doo I heard them say stage make up :) whew!!!

As our usual Berends tradition - we went bowling on Thanksgiving. Kendall really enjoyed it this year. She was hopping all over the place and wanted to help everyone with their bowling. Mom was the only one who let her because the rest of them were bowling for some cash!!!

She thinks anytime a name that starts with K is there - that it's her. So Rob was showing her that mommy's name starts with a K also. She learned quickly that I was first and she has "two l's"

Breanna outgrew her Spongebob ball - so she generously passed it on down to Kendall - she was ELATED!!!!