Kendall spent the night at my parents house Friday so that I could go to kickboxing Saturday morning. A little before 7 grandma called and I thought "this better be good b/c yes you're watching my daughter but GEEZ I had another hour or so to sleep!" Grandma apologized and said Kendall has been up off and on since 2 and she just threw up and wants you. Why me? You've got grandma there - let her clean that stuff up :) JUST KIDDING. So in a daze I drove to my parents house. Kendall continued to throw up every 20-30 minutes for the next about oh 7 hours?!?!? She refused food (which if you read one of my previous posts you'd know that Kendall refusing food is like me not talking....) and when she did try for a sip of water it came right back up. I didn't want to be one of "those" moms that calls for everything - but she hadn't gone potty since the night before which was like 9:30 at night. It was now like 5:30 pm. So I called and the nurse on call said for sure to bring her to ER so they could give her some fluids at least. The doctors and nurses there were awesome and I must say it was a slow night for the ER so she picked a good time to be ill. And minus the lady across the hall yelling loudly every 10 minutes for someone to "change my bed pan please" - it wasn't all that horrible to be there. The first doctor that came looked like he was in high school so that's depressing that I am now feeling/looking older than a doctor. I had to have her pee in a bowl (fun times) and surprisingly she had a little left in her so they weren't going to give her an IV but another doctor came and said ah why not it isn't gonna hurt her to have some extra in there. The nurse that had to put the IV in her was great! She never cried. The little board he put under her arm to keep her from bending it - he called it a surfboard and put her name on it. Kendall brought her baby and the nurse did everything to the baby that he was doing to Kendall. Oh and as a side note - her new baby's name is also Kendall. The second he got that IV going - she did a complete 180 and was talking his arm off. They also gave her some anti nausea medicine and that must have helped because she has not thrown up since right before we left for the hospital. She is making up for not eating yesterday because the first thing she said this morning was "i want Life" and she had two bowls of it. We got to grandma's today and grandpa had bought her a donut and she ate 1/2 of it (the good half, she eats donuts from the top down to make sure she gets all the frosting). I figured with all that fluid though that she'd be going to the bathroom a lot today - but her morning potty was just like normal and she's gone about every 4 hours today which is about what she usually does so she must have been completely empty! I took some pictures but at that point - she had lots of fluid in her so she is just smiling and happy.

Here is baby Kendall with her arm on a "surfboard"
~oh yes and I meant to add - how come most kids just get the flu and puke a few times and are done? Kendall always seems to puke non stop and get dehydrated??!!? oh well maybe it's just me but geez kid there are other ways to get me to let you stay up later!
Looking at your pictures you look happy and I guess that is all that matters. Your are one loved little girl, you're so lucky! Your baby Kendall is lucky too to have such a nice mom to bring her with you wherever you go. Sometimes it helps if you have a friend to go with you it is just a little less scary. See you on Sunday. Love Grandma and Grandpa MIller
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