Friday, January 9, 2009

3 Year check up

Kendall's 3 year check up was yesterday and it went well. Her BMI is slowly going down. At two years she was in the 95th percentile and now at three she is way down to the.....90th :) I know, not much but the doctor said she'd worry if she just started jumping on down the scale. Kendall, of course, talked the doctor's arm off. She said Kendall is right where she should be and that she's a smart cookie. Which made me happy, but then she added "if you had a good two year old, you're going to have a horrible three year old". I was like, are you reading my mind? Our last week has been nothing but a power struggle! She said to just continue giving her choices to make her think she's in charge (not choices like, what would you like to wear) but to give her two options and let her pick. So far this has worked, but I have a feeling she's going to catch on soon.

Her potty accidents are few and far between. Sometimes it's just that she waits until the last possible second to go and a little comes out before she sits down. But hey - I"ll take that. Bedtime has been a struggle lately - so we have been "dancing" on the way into her bedroom. I'm sure if anybody was witness to this, they would laugh at me because Kendall just cracks up. If any of you listen to WGRD in the morning - they have a song on there "peanut butter jelly time" and that is normally what we dance to.


Chris Mulder said...

Ha...I have not thought of the dancing to bed. We do different things like piggy back rides, races or act like snakes, frogs or other animals...seems to work like a charm. :) Hard to believe she is three already!! She is growing up too fast.

Chris Mulder

Anonymous said...

I think that Dr is a pretty smart Dr is she thinks you are a smart cookie because so do we. Keep up the good work with your choices as you will need do develop that skill for all of your life.
Love Grandma Miller