If Kendall's eyes are open - she wants to be in the pool. That is the first and last thing she says every day. I had better get both of us some more sunsreen. While we are outside she inspects every little bug that crawls by. She used to step on them but I'm trying to teach her that outside is "their house" so she just says "hi bug" now. If it's on her I'll let her smack that thing - but to just step on it for no reason seems mean to me! This is also teaching me to not freak out everytime I see a bug. I showed her that she is able to swim like a big girl in a ring and now she just floats around that pool like she owns it. Last week she was sitting on the top step and was reaching for something and she fell in face first - I was close by and had to jump in clothes and all. But that hasn't scared her off from the water one single bit. Her friend Laila did the same thing on Saturday and luckily I had my suit on when I grabbed her! Man it happens so fast! I had to hide Kendall's swimsuit with the "flyfly's" on it because she refused to wear any of the rest of them! Grandpa Berends (or won as she calls hm lately) watched her friday night while grandma and I were gone and saturday morning he said "never again Kate, she did not shut up once the whole time". I know she talks alot - but grandpa can't say no to Kendall so I know he'll never say no to watching her! :)

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