Even though we're in the terrible two's and sometimes just putting shoes on is a complete battle - the funny things she does and says seem to make those moments okay. One of her funny moments is that she seems to think she is seriously going to catch a bird one day. On our walks if she sees one she stops the stroller (oh yes b/c her baby rides and kendall pushes) and says "i'm gonna get that bird mom". And she runs faster than I've ever seen her run. When she comes back with mission unaccomplished she says "those birds are so fast mom". I'm not sure if it's funnier watching her run after them or what she says afterwards. Then yesterday I was trying to get her up and she was not a happy camper so I said "come on Kendall let's get clean dry panties on b/c you smell like soggy cheerios" and she said "nuh uh mommy I smell like hot dogs". 

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