She enjoys pulling a chair up to the sink and playing in the water with her toys. I fill one side up with soap and water so she has bubbles and then we use the ice cube tray as the rinse off bin so there is just warm water in there. Each toy gets its own towel (washcloth) and she just goes to town. She was occupied with this for over an hour the other day. Needed no help or anybody by her - she just kept asking for more towels. The cat kept trying to join her, but he just played with the bubbles so she kicked him off the chair. Totally off the subject, but we couldn't have asked for a better cat. He likes water. He likes Kendall - let's her do anything she wants to him and he will NOT bite her! I caught her trying to put him in a drawer to play hide n seek with him the other day - when I told her to set him down he couldn't go in a drawer he didn't high tail it out of the room - he just sat there and looked at her like "what are we gonna play next". Grandma, Grandpa and Breanna came over on Friday and the children aka grandpa breanna and kendall played hide n seek, which involves the girls hiding and grandpa finding them.....well the girls hid under our bed and the cat hid with them - when grandpa found them and they ran, the cat ran right along with him. Sometimes I kind of WISH he'd bite her because then she wouldn't constantly be picking him up or hugging him or OCK licking him like she does sometimes - but I guess if it doesn't bother him it shouldn't bother me!

Website looks great!! Love the top!! Hope all is going well at the new house!
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