Hi! Katie asked me to post a little about Kendall and I's time together!! Kendall stayed with me for five days and we had a great time!! I didn't get lost in the school, and even managed to get to work on time. The first night she got to play in the front yard with Bryce, they ran and ran and ran around, then we went for ice cream. She had to have something with Blue - so we got Hudsonville Birthday Cake, very yummy. Thursday night we headed to Holland to my sister's place for dinner. Kendall got to hold my niece Katelyn several times and was a big helper! She also got to pet the rabbits, and told King no over and over. King is a HUGE German Shepard, so I am sure he is scary when you are so little! Her and Jewels (my dog) have gotten to be good friends, and Jewels was always by her side. At night before Jewels went to bed, she would go in and lick Kendall's arm - good thing Kendall is a heavy sleeper!
Friday night we headed up north to my grandparents on the lake! Kendall got to drive the golf cart, go on a paddle boat ride, got spoiled by my grandparents and looked for bugs! We also enjoyed an ice cream cake for my birthday - Kendall enjoyed that! Sunday we headed to Marshall for a graduation. Kendall and I were following my parents, we got to Ionia and I pulled beside them so she could wave. Kendall went crazy when my dad gunned it at the light, she kept saying, Ted's beating us, get him - was to cute. Dad's name is Terry but she called him Ted. My dad and her were buddies, but dad said she had to stick her tongue out for the pictures. So have lots of pictures with her tongue out, but my dad's fault.
I had kept saying after the party, we got to go see mommy! She fell asleep after the graduation, the minute she woke up it was mommy, mommy, mommy!! Was to cute!! Kendall is such a smart little girl but is growing up to fast!! It was my pleasure to get to spend so much time with her, we had a ton of fun!!
Kendall got good at writing on the windows, in orange of course!
Kendall - i'm glad you had such a good time with aunt Hedder (heather) and Jewels. And it makes me so proud that you were such a good girl for her!
I love you so much!!!
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