Kendall has gone from coloring pictures with every color ALL OVER the page - to making sure she stays in the lines. I know she has known for a long time that she's SUPPOSED to stay in the lines - but she said "i just don't wanna". Now she colors and says "momma, I'm stayin in da lines". This is a picture she colored at school. She even colors pictures on her Leapster and stays in the lines - except this morning she told me I needed to quit hitting the bumps because it was "messing me up mom".
She has enjoyed wearing "princess dresses" for awhile now - so she thinks she IS a princess. Yesterday I was helping her get dressed for school and I went to put her undies on and she said "mom, princesses don't wear panties". Not sure where she learned THAT One from.....but I told her she could take her panties off at home but not at school. By the time we got home she had forgotten all about it.
She's also getting a little TOO smart for MY OWN good! I used to be able to kind of "fib" to her and she'd fall for it - that isn't going to be possible much longer. On the way to school last week her baby was in the front seat next to me - she asked me to buckle her and I told her that she was and she leaned forward and grabbed the metal part of the seatbelt and said "nuh uh mommy because this didn't click, are you pretending with me?" DANG IT!!!!