Kendall's second conference went well. Besides being told to use her inside voice often (ha)...she is usually a good kid in the classroom. They're little grading scale is either ++, +-, or -. The only thing Kendall had a minus on was her opposites. Which Miss Diana told me they have just started working on and all of the kids had a minus on this one. Oh yes and she needs to keep her thumb up when she's cutting and hold her pencil down by the lead instead of up by the eraser. I guess we'll be doing a few more cutting projects at home. I had also asked Miss Diana to let me know her thoughts on Kendall's speech at her first conference - so at this conference she said that as long as Kendall slllooowwwsss down she is easier to understand. There are still words she doesn't say correctly - but her teacher said it doesn't concern her at all. Normally it's her F's that come out incorrectly, especially if it is the first letter of a word. Flush is usually Slush, flip flops are slip slops and she called my forehead a whorehead the other day - that one was hilarious. She seems right where she should be - so that is good in my books. One of her best scores was with counting - she will touch each object as she counts them, which means she really knows she's counting not just SAYING a number.

We had to include her baby in our family photo shoot - her baby's name is also Kendall!
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