Wow - the last two weeks have just been crazy at our house. On the 11th I took Kendall to the dr b/c she had been coughing for too long in my books. She was diagnosed with walking pneumonia and put on Zithromax. Then Thursday Uncle Mike had his heart attack and the next oh six days are a blurred mess. After the funeral on Tuesday I felt that our routine would be a little bit more on track but that is just not my luck. Got a call on Wednesday afternoon that Kendall woke up from her nap with a fever of 102.7 so I leave work AGAIN to go get her. I called the doctor ~ but they said to alternate tylenol and ibuprofen every four hours and see how she was. She napped almost all night on Wednesday and slept through the night and as soon as it got close to medicine time - her temp went right back up ~ so on Thursday morning I thought oh why not bring her in and see what they say. They did a chest x-ray and on top of the pneumonia she had some "gel like" substance (which has a proper name, but I can't remember it) in her right lung. The doctor was very glad I brought her in and said that going by just the x-ray he was very concerned, but being that he saw her - listened to her lungs and she was talking his arm off - he wasn't AS concerned. So then we got Augmentin to work WITH the Zithromax and hopefully this gets all the junk out of her lungs. I sure hope so. Now I'm sick too but I couldn't miss any more work because my desk looks like a tornado hit it (which it usually does anyways!) I cannot wait for June!!!!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We had to include her baby in our family photo shoot - her baby's name is also Kendall!
Posted by Kate and Kendall at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
It never fails....
It never fails that Kendall would put a smile on my face when I really just wanted to cry. I debated whether or not to bring Kendall to the visitation because I wasn't really sure what a 3 year old would grasp or understand and I wasn't really sure it was the place for her. Aunt Paula and grandma seemed to think she needed to be there~at least for a little while. So I brought her last night for a bit. She sees pictures of my grandma and grandpa and my mom tells her they are with Jesus. She also prays at school and learns about Jesus, so she gets some of it. So I picked her up from daddy's yesterday and while getting her ready let her know that Uncle Mike was with Jesus now but that we needed to go say good bye. She said "okay momma". On the way INTO the funeral home she says "so this is Jesus' house?" I told her Jesus has a lot of houses - but yes for right now it was his house so he could be with Uncle Mike. She seemed okay with that (yet then asked if Santa lived there too.....) We were inside for a bit and she found grandpa - and she wanted him to hold her and the way he stood made it so that she was looking right at Uncle she pokes grandpa and says "there's uncle mike - he's sleeping so we won't wake him up" grandpa says yup yer right and then this part just gets me, she said "he's sleeping with Jesus" grandpa says yes you're right. Then she starts looking around with a confused look and asks "well, where's Jesus?" Priceless- I'm sure she was like "where is this guy I pray to everyday? I finally think I'm gonna meet him and he's not here!!" I'm mad b/c I know I have better pictures of Uncle Mike - but I'm gonna have to keep searching........for now, this is what I have...
Posted by Kate and Kendall at 9:25 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
I don't even know how to title this one. This has nothing to do with Kendall - but I still had to write it. My uncle - who is totally my "other" dad - had a heart attack at work yesterday. It took the paramedics 6 "shocks" to get his heart working again. And it's only half working at that. He hasn't been awake since it happened - more b/c he is heavily sedated so that his body can rest. In his will he has requested no life support - so this afternoon when his other brother makes it to town, they are shutting all his machines off. Uncle Mike was always the one to save me when something was wrong - when my car was stuck at the end of my driveway before christmas, he left work and came and pulled me out. When I left at lunch one day and came out of Taco Bell and my cars tire was completely flat - he got up early (he worked 3rd) and came and put my spare on for me. He just turned 57 in December. He always really helped my dad out with "fix it" things also - b/c ron is far from being a fix it kinda guy, even though he desperately tries. Sorry if this is kinda bouncing around - the last few days have been quite a haze.......all I can say is that it totally just sucks right now.
Posted by Kate and Kendall at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Random things to sleep with....
Anything Kendall is currently "into" has to go to bed with her. Last night Meredith and Maison came over to play and the big girls played dress up. Kendall only has one dress up dress so Meredith wore that and then I busted out an old sundress from last year for Kendall. I also gave her the old flip flops to wear with it. She wore this sundress flip flop outfit the rest of the evening and BEGGED to wear it to bed ~ yes, shoes included oh sorry sorry, they are not shoes she tells me, they are SLIPSLOPS. I told her shoes er flipflops don't go in our bed so they could set next to her bed on the floor. She seemed okay with this......but when she woke up at 2 and couldn't quit coughing I went in her room and the flip flops were in her bed. Mind you, she does NOT get out of that bed once she's in it. She will call my name FOREVER to tell me she's awake, but she does not get out. So I am picturing her dangling off the side of her bed reaching her hardest to get those flip flops into bed with her. So at 2, I laughed and said hey how'd these get in here and she just looked at me while I sat them back on the floor next to the bed. Low and behold when I went in this morning to get her up, they were BACK IN THE BED with her. I said Kendall why are your flip flops back up on your bed and without even opening her eyes she just gave me a little smirk. I had to bribe her with gum this morning in order for her to change out of the sundress into her clothes and to NOT wear the flipflops to school.......
Posted by Kate and Kendall at 6:56 AM 2 comments