As you can see - Kendall is very proud of her new umbrella. She would really like to use it even when it's not raining out. Thank goodness for grandpa because he took her "puddle jumping" on Saturday because she was getting ver sick of being inside. Sunday they ventured back out because she wanted to look for worms. She wanted to pick one up too. Her little fingers couldn't get it off the cement so grandpa would get it and then hand it to her. He told her not to drop it on the cement to set it down but to set it in the grass and she was very gentle when she "let them free". The last few days Kendall has been testing my patience. She doesn't want to eat, she doesn't want to get dressed, she doesn't want to take a bath and she doesn't want to go to bed. And she is getting smart because now when I say something she doesn't like she looks at grandma and grandpa to "save" her. Thank goodness they stand behind what I say even though I know it's hard for grandpa to be strong when she sheds her crocodile tears and runs to him.
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