Kendall had her first official day of preschool this morning :) I asked her what she wanted to wear on her first day and she had a total blonde moment. She was by the stove when I asked her and she started to twirl around and say "i wanna be a princess" but mid twirl she smacked her head on the oven handle. What she means by "i wanna be a princess" is that she wants to wear a skirt or a dress. I could not stop laughing when she hit her head - I know, great mom right? Great way to remember the first day. And yes she does have tennis shoes on with her dress - but the daycare has wood chips on the playground so if I put her in cute shoes they are trashed by the time she gets home!
When she got home from daddy's yesterday she just had to help grandpa with some outdoor chores. And we should all be proud of daddy - b/c the pigtails you see are thanks to him. I would totally love to see him doing her hair. 

She is still doing alright with not wetting the bed. She did have an accident for me last Thursday night and then for daddy on Friday. I asked her last night if she wanted panties or pull ups and she said no to the pull up so I chanced the panties and even though she woke up at 6:05 this morning, she was dry. woo hoo!
Kendall still has her wild imagination. Her imaginary friend is the Puma and I must give thanks to the Puma because he really helps ME sometimes. When she won't get her clothes on in the morning for school, I tell her that I'm going to let Puma wear them and she gets dressed fast. When she is fighting going to the bathroom I tell her to hurry up or the Puma is going to go potty first, she runs faster than ever. We take the Puma on walks, I have to tell him to sit and stay while we go out the door, she is constantly telling me things the Puma is doing and I laugh all the time.