We got to enjoy Maison's first birthday party on Saturday - Kendall (as well as the other kids) had a blast. All week Kendall kept telling me she was gonna sing 'had a birday" to Maison and she sure did. And as you can tell - the rest of the kids were more interested in the cake than Maison was.Shane provides great entertainment...
Breanna was over on Sunday and the girls wanted their hair done alike - if Kendall's hair ever gets as thick as Breanna's I don't know what I'll do with myself. The little side ponytail I did for Breanna is as thick as all of my hair put together. Kendall's is far from thin though - when I put a ponytail in today I used one of my hair ties and it held it much better than the little rubberbands for little girls....geez I have to start sharing my stuff this early on? Breanna makes things very easy on me when she's over - Kendall follows her everywhere and when I try helping her, she tells me "no mommy banna do it". And Breanna loves it so hey I'll gladly kick my feet up. When Uncle Andy comes over without Breanna, Kendall doesn't normally say hello she says "where's banna" and looks past him. Sorry Andy!
She has been very "i do it mommy" with things lately - the only thing that I have a hard time not redoing is her socks. I know, it's small and I don't fix them, but I don't want the daycare teachers thinking I'm a complete knob and don't know how to dress her. But she is so proud of herself when she's done so I figure if that's the worst thing they think about me who cares!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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