Kendall and I have had to have a little chat about her "attitude". She was ignoring me the other day so I said "excuse me" and she turned around and said "no excuse ME". I thought - oh i don't think so honey. So I got down eye level with her and said "I don't know where you've picked up this attitude, but in this house that is not how we talk to each other so you can talk like that all you want, but you will be in your room A LOT." She said she was sorry. Every now and again a little snottiness gets thrown out there but I remind her of our talk and she changes her tune real quick. :)
Friday night we went to the Hudsonville Fair with Adalynn and Jordan. Kendall had such a blast. She got to pet the animals and climb all over a bunch of tractors and ride a roller coaster (or a train). She wanted to ride some of the big rides but she's not tall enough yet.
Oh yes and she keeps telling me that she wants "earrings" and I keep telling her it hurts and she just says okay so during our long weekend coming up I may take her to get her ears pierced again. She may chicken out but who knows - she has been pretty daring and tough so far. At least I can reason with her this time and tell her not to take them out and EAT THEM. EW!