Meredith nor her sister Maison are afraid of the water AT ALL!!!

alright alright i'm updating i'm updating! we've been on vacation the last week and a half and when we got home last night, the last thing i wanted to do was sit on the computer.
Kendall has had a busy summer. She loves it outside. I got her a little bike with training wheels and she just loves it. And there is always the pool - she wakes up on the weekends and that's the first thing that she says "can I put my woo soup on?" Even if it's not warm out she wants in there.
For the past week Kendall has been out in Grand Haven camping at the "ocean" as she called it. Thursday to Sunday it was just her and grandma and grandpa and then I went out on Sunday. Kendall loved the beach - absolutely loved everything about it, the dirt, the water - all of the kids. She was just in her glory. She was leary of the lake at first - but by the end of the week she wouldn't stay out of there. Her and grandpa swam and swam and dug "ponds" and made castles. She slept just fine in the trailer too - which made me more than happy. Her friends Meredith and Maison joined us on Tuesday and Kendall and Meredith get along so well ~ i love it. Meredith had fun with grandpa ron too. The sun is turning Kendalls hair super light and even though I put 50 sunscreen on her 5 times a day she has tan lines.
Kendall is enjoying her first REAL babysitter the last part of this week. (by REAL i mean, not a friend of mine or a family member, b/c yes, so many of you have helped in that department)Brady's aunt Haley is watching her thursday and friday and so far - Kendall has been an angel (haley's exact words), which is good. She had no potty accidents while at Haley's house. Tomorrow they are going to Milennium Park - I have a feeling Kendall isn't going to want to come home!
She is starting to have some pretend friends. Right now her friend is the Puma from Diego. He follows us everywhere and she's always telling him to "stay away puma i'm busy". She loves pretending - she "bakes" me cakes and won't walk away unless i eat them. She is also still infatuated with birds. At the beach she was constantly chasing the seagulls - i'd have been so mad if i got pooped on while it flew away! And at home any bird in the yard she just has to "get him mommy, he needs me". It's hilarious.
I can sleep now that I've had an update! Loved the pics, loved the story and I hope I have a long time before Ryan gets that old because it makes me sad!
Hey wait... my twitch has gone away, thanks to you!
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