oh yes and if somebody could tell me what song she is seranading us with at the end I'd appreciate it...
So yes with this hot weather we are in the pool everyday. Kendall who loves to eat wants to swim more than she'd like to eat. Tonight she told me she wanted to be like Laila and jump off the diving board. So I put that life jacket on her and off she jumped. She came up laughing. Now she won't take the life jacket off because she's realized how to keep herself balanced and afloat and she has discovered that if she runs in the water she can move really fast. I like that she's not afraid of it - but it's kind of bittersweet because before the life jacket was on I was trying to get a bee (calmly) out of the pool and I turned back around and she was underwater walking to me. Geesh if she was a little more afraid I know she wouldn't get off the steps! She will stay in that pool until she is shivering cold.
She has been superhard to wake up in the morning. I keep trying to put her to bed earlier and earlier but she is still a rock to wake up. She will look at me and groan and pull the covers back over herself. I even try opening the blinds (which i swore i'd never do to my own child) and she puts the pillow over her head. So now I just open the blinds tell her time to get up and I leave, she eventually gets up on her own.
Except for at night she is potty trained :) No pull up at nap time or all day at all anymore. She took some time adjusting to her new classroom and teachers - but after our vacation she has not had one accident. I'm so proud. The last few times she did have an accident she had her Elmo panties that daddy got her on and she'd tell me "Mommy, I peed on Elmo and Zoe".
Grandpa hooked the bike carrier up on Sunday and Kendall Aunt Becky and I took a trip to Brady's house. At first Kendall asked if every single house was Brady's. I finally quit answering and when I turned around she had her feet up and was totally relaxing. She loved it in there - but I am too old to pull almost 50 pounds because it totally wiped me out ~ even all the running I've been doing did not help me!
I know we all say it - but man do they grow up so fast! I still can't believe that she's almost three. Which she reminds me of everyday because ever since Kolton's birthday party all she talks about is "going to chuckie cheese for my birthday". So a heads up to you parents - that's where her party will be this year. Not my favorite place either but the kids seem to love it. When Lynee' asked her when her birthday was she told her "20 minutes". It took her a few days but she did finally learn how to walk in her flip flops or "fittops" as she calls them. She would sleep in those things if I let her. The only pair I could find that fit her high arches were at the dollar store! Woo hoo! She also has learned that gum is a wonderful thing. She does not swallow it and even if it falls out - she'll put it right back in there.
bathing beauty
Kendall where are you?
now you see the sprinkler.....
now you don't.....