The crib is gone!!! :) Her Saturday nap was the last time she slept in the toddler bed and now she officially has her big girl bed ~ which she calls her bigger bed. The transition was nice and smooth which I am happy for. It was bittersweet to get rid of the changing table - but her room really looks like a toddler room now.
More good news is that her cast comes off on Friday morning! :) Dr. Harris called on Friday and said "please bring someone with you so we don't have to put her out for this" :) So grandma is joining us. All of her friends have signed the cast so it will be a nice little keepsake for her. Everywhere we go people say "oh poor thing" and I want to say oh no it slows her down NONE. Kendall Breanna Uncle Andy Grandpa and I played softball in the front yard today and she is still just running all over (she golfs instead of playing softball but she tries). I can't wait until Friday to give her an actual REAL bath again. I used to think baths were such a job in itself but now that she's had this cast a regular old bath is CAKE!
She acquires so many new words in a day I just can't believe it. In the car the other day she started saying "mommy the baby is cwapping" and I thought she was saying a fun little word but she meant clapping.
As for potty training - she's only had ONE ACCIDENT all week. It's hard when we're outside because I know she doesn't want to take the time to go - but she eventually gets inside. It helps when Breanna's here because they race to the toilet.

Kendall you look so much older in the pictures your mommy posted this morning!! Sounds like you are being a little lady now - no diapers and a big girl bed. Mom thinks you are fast now, wait until you get that cast off, you'll be able to go warp speed. See you soon! ~Heather
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