When I did her hair on this day - she flipped her hair and said "I'm making myself pretty for my boyfriend" ?!?!?! I told her she was too little for a boyfriend and she said "but Gavin likes me not Kaya........" oh lord.....

As you can see - Kendall likes to dance!! She has started saying "I'm a ballerina - watch me dance". So I decided to see if she likes dance class and signed her up this week. She goes once a week and will have tap, ballet and tumbling. She starts on September 8th and I think I might be more excited than she is! I am hoping that it helps her get rid of some energy - staying home with mom more, I feel like I don't let her be as active as she was able to be at daycare. So I'm also looking for a preschool to send her to - but I'm finding that many of them are full - but geesh I wasn't really planning on getting laid off and the daycare she went to had preschool included!! Hopefully I find one for her.
And I'm not sure if it's just an age thing - but she is such a SNOT lately!!! Very trying on my patience (well.....maybe it's that I'm with her more now.....) but anyhow, when I reprimand her - she points her finger back at me - or she gives me a "look" (which I realize I give to her while I'm yelling)....the tricks I used to get her to listen to me don't work anymore - she's getting too stinkin smart! Luckily she's pretty good for the most part so these times don't occur too often.
We also got a kitty and Kendall and him get along great - Boo chases her and she chases him. For as much as she carries him and hugs him you'd think that he'd run away from her when she came near - but he lies next to her on the couch - follows her to the bathroom and sits at her feet - they are best buddies.